WebSPHINX: A Personal, Customizable Web Crawler
- (latest release v0.5, July 8, 2002; see )
WebSPHINX ( Website-Specific Processors for HTML
INformation eXtraction) is a Java class library and interactive development environment for web crawlers. A web crawler (also called a robot or spider) is a program that browses and processes Web pages automatically.WebSPHINX consists of two parts: the Crawler Workbench and the WebSPHINX
class library.Crawler Workbench
The Crawler Workbench is a graphical user interface that lets you configure
and control a customizable web crawler. Using the Crawler Workbench, you can:
- Visualize a collection of web pages as a graph
- Save pages to your local disk for offline browsing
- Concatenate pages together for viewing or printing them as a single document
- Extract all text matching a certain pattern from a collection of pages.
- Develop a custom crawler in Java or Javascript that processes pages however you want.
WebSPHINX class library
The WebSPHINX class library provides support for writing web crawlers
in Java. The class library offers a number of features:
- Multithreaded Web page retrieval in a simple application framework
- An object model that explicitly represents pages and links
- Support for reusable page content classifiers
- Tolerant HTML parsing
- Support for the robot exclusion standard
- Pattern matching, including regular expressions, Unix shell wildcards, and HTML tag expressions. Regular expressions are provided by the Apache jakarta-regexp regular expression library.
- Common HTML transformations , such as concatenating pages , saving pages to disk, and renaming links
First, you need Java 1.2 or later installed on your computer. If you're
not sure, try running java -version. If you need to install Java on Windows, Linux, or Solaris, go directly to ; for other platforms, consult the list of .If your computer has AFS access, run java -jar /afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/rcm/www/websphinx/websphinx.jar
If you don't have AFS, you'll need to download this JAR file:
and then run java -jar websphinx.jar
The Crawler Workbench will appear in a new window.
Here are some things to try in the Workbench.
Visualize part of the Web as a graph
- This crawler retrieves the pages you've been reading and renders them as a graph of pages and links.
Crawl the subtree URL http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rcm/websphinx Action none
- Save pages to disk
- This crawler retrieves the , which consists of about 30 pages, and saves it to a directory on your local disk.
Crawl the subtree URL http://reports-archive.adm.cs.cmu.edu/cs.html Action save Directory ./scs-techreports
Concatenate pages for printing
- This crawler concatenates all the pages in Bob Harper's into a single massive page, suitable for printing.
Crawl the subtree URL http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/introsml/ Action concatenate File ./intro-sml.html
Extract images from a set of pages
- This crawler surfs over a few pages of logos and generates a new page containing all the logos found.
Crawl the subtree URL http://sunsite.unc.edu/Dave/logos.htm Action extract Pattern <a>(?{logo}<img>)<p>(?{caption})</a> File ./dr-fun.html
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is WebSPHINX intended for?
- WebSPHINX is designed for advanced web users and Java programmers who want to crawl over a small part of the web (such as a single web site) automatically.
Can I get the source code?- Yes, WebSPHINX is open source, covered by an Apache-style license (see ).
Where can I find documentation or examples for programming WebSPHINX crawlers in Java?- Some examples can be found in our WWW7 paper (see ), and JavaDoc API documentation for the class library is also available (see ).
Can I use WebSPHINX to crawl the entire Web, like search engines do?- WebSPHINX isn't designed for enormous crawls like that. Search engines typically use distributed crawlers running on farms of PCs with a fat network pipe and a distributed filesystem or database for managing the crawl frontier and storing page data. WebSPHINX is intended more for personal use, to crawl perhaps a hundred or a thousand web pages. If you want to use WebSPHINX for large crawls, you should definitely read the next question about memory usage.
My WebSPHINX crawler is running out of RAM. How can I control its memory use?- By default, WebSPHINX retains all the pages and links that it has crawled until you clear the crawler. This can use up memory quickly, especially if you're crawling more than a few hundred pages. Here are some tricks for changing the defaults and keeping memory under control. (Note that these tricks only apply when you're writing your own crawler in Java, not when you're using the Crawler Workbench.)
The WWW7 paper mentions a "CategoryClassifier", but I can't find it in the source code. Where can I get it?
- Use Page.discardContent() to throw away (stop referencing) a page's content when you're done with it, so that it can be reclaimed by the garbage collector. This method preserves the page's array of outgoing Links, however, so you'll still have the crawl graph if you need it.
- Disconnect the crawl graph entirely by breaking references between links and pages, so that every Page and Link object can be reclaimed once the crawler has finished visiting this. To do this, call page.getOrigin().setPage(null) whenever you're done processing a page.
- Another kind of memory bloat is caused by the implementation of java.lang.String.substring(). Calling s.substring() does not make a copy of the characters in the substring. Instead, it returns a special String that points to the substring within s. As a result, if you use substring() to grab a short part of a 10KB web page, you're keeping a reference to the whole 10KB. If you need to call substring() on page content and want to keep the substring around but not the original page, you should make a copy of the substring using new String (s.toCharArray()).
- If all else fails, and you're using the Sun JDK, you can use the -mx option (called -Xmx in recent JDKs) to increase the maximum limit of heap memory.
- The CategoryClassifier was part of an earlier web-crawling system, SPHINX, developed at Compaq SRC. The original SPHINX code belongs to Compaq SRC and was never released. WebSPHINX is an open-source reimplementation of the SPHINX interface. CategoryClassifier was not part of this reimplementation because CategoryClassifier depended on some other software that belongs to SRC.
The search engine classifiers don't work.- Most of the search engine classifiers were written in 1998. Search engines have changed the format of their results many times since then, so the classifiers are out of date.
My web crawler needs to use a web proxy, user authentication, cookies, a special user-agent, etc. What do I do?- WebSPHINX uses the built-in Java classes URL and URLConnection to fetch web pages. If you're running the Crawler Workbench inside a browser, that means your crawler uses the proxy, authentication, cookies, and user-agent of the browser, so if you can visit the site manually, then you can crawl it. If you're running your crawler from the command line, however, you'll have to configure Java to set up your proxy, authentication, user-agents, and so forth.
The crawler library is open source, licensed under an . The latest release is
version 0.5, released on July 8, 2002. See the to find out what's new.Download the source code here:
WebSPHINX is Copyright © 1998-2002 - Carnegie Mellon University.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY NOR ITS EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.This product includes software developed by the (http://www.apache.org/).
In particular, WebSPHINX includes the regular expression library, version 1.2. The (unmodified) source code for this library is included in the WebSPHINX source code. Redistribution is allowed under the terms of the .
by Javadoc)For offline access to the API documentation, download:
WebSPHINX was inspired by an earlier system, SPHINX, developed over
summer 1997 at (then part of Digital). For more information about SPHINX, see the paper:Robert C. Miller and Krishna Bharat. . In Proceedings of
WWW7, Brisbane Australia, April 1998.WebSPHINX is a ground-up reimplementation of the SPHINX interface, but
some features described in the paper were omitted in the reimplementation (namely, the category classifier).Some other projects are using WebSPHINX:
- (Lee Rossey, UPenn)
A few Java toolkits worthy of mention:
- is an HTTP proxy with an elegant extension mechanism for writing your own proxy filters. Great for anonymizing, cookie-blocking, ad-busting, and customizing your view of the Web. Open source, implemented in Java.
There are several crawling toolkits with goals similar to WebSPHINX.
- is an elegant, single-threaded Java web crawler implemented as an Enumeration. Open source.
- is a scripting language for the Web, with primitive functions for getting web pages and posting forms, and a built-in structured pattern language for matching HTML and XML. Open source, implemented in Java.
- is a Java toolkit for developing web crawlers. Commercial, closed source.
- (formerly known as WebCutter) is a Java web crawler designed specifically for web visualization. Closed source.
- is a web crawling environment using Basic. Runs only on Microsoft Windows. Commercial, closed source.
Several web sites, and even a few books, describe the crawlers and robots that already roam the Web:
- Internet Agents: Spiders, Wanderers, Brokers, and Bots by Fah-Chun Cheong.
- Bots and Other Internet Beasties by Joseph Williams
Crawler writers should be aware of robot ethics:
- David Eichmann,.